A comfortable campsite is one with the right gear, organization, and preparation. It should feel like a home away from home. Push and pull wagons are one of the great camping accessories to add to any campsite because they can carry or store things that are normally too heavy to take on foot. When you’re building a campsite, you should determine what kind of camper you are. How many things do you need to feel comfortable in the outdoors and what can you live without for a couple of nights? Here are some of our best tips for creating the perfect campsite for you.
Pack with Purpose
Every camper should have a packing checklist. Make sure to think about the items that will improve your campsite. When you’re packing, you should also place items strategically. For example, you might want to organize all your cookware together and make sure your flashlights are not buried too deep in your bags. This will make it easier when you’re unpacking at the campsite.
Plan Your Setup
Once you get to camp, you may be tempted to just drop your stuff off and start exploring nature. However, every camping expert recommends that you set up your shelter first. You want to do this during the day when it’s bright out and you have your energy. Use foldable wagons to hold your gear and wheel it around the campground. This will save you from expending too much energy in your initial setup.
Orient Yourself (and Others)
When you’re setting up camp, make sure that you take note of certain landmarks and have a system for situating your resources. If you are a camping pro, then you can maintain the same system no matter where you are. You can take a picture of your campsite or write down a description of it so you remember where you need to come back to after exploring. Make sure you communicate this to everyone you’re with.
Hide Your Food
One of the worst things you can do when camping is leave food unattended. This will invite unwelcome guests like bears and raccoons. Not only will you lose your food, but you may put yourself in danger from wild animals. Make sure that you use air-tight containers to conceal any food odors and hide the containers in another storage unit. You can use push and pull wagons to store and transport your food around the campsite to save you some energy.
Make it Homey
Even an outdoor campsite can feel like home. Experts recommend mirroring the setup of your home to maintain your orientation in a new environment. If you’re used to your bedroom being to the left of your kitchen, then move your sleeping bag to the left of your cookware and washbasin. You can also put a small rug or towel in front of your tent so that you can remove your shoes before you step inside. This will keep your home-away-from-home clean and familiar. Once you setup camp the way you like the first time, you will know how to do it the next time!